

Latch Retraction Power Supply

Latch Retraction Power Supply

Provides power and control electronics for up to two ACSI 1550 Electric

Latch Retraction Exit Devices.


1406-04-AO Power Supplies are designed to operate exit devices equipped with ACSI Series 1550 Electric Latch Retraction.



• UL Listed

• Provides power and control electronics for up to two ACSI 1550 Electric Latch Retraction Exit Devices

• Select from independent control of single exit devices from separate inputs (one or two single doors) or sequential operation of two exit devices from a single input (pair of doors)

• Automatic door operator interface

• Fire alarm interface

• Field adjustable latch retraction time delay

• 24VDC, 12VDC constant voltage outputs

(250 mA each)



