-Door is normally closed and unlocked, and the illuminated switch housings inside and outside the washroom will be green.
-The door can be manually opened or automatically opened via the exterior handicap actuator.
-Once a user has entered the washroom they can lock the door via the "push to lock" button which will Lock the electric strike, disable outside handicap actuator, and prevent automatic door operator from opening door. The illuminated switch housings inside and outside the washroom will turn red, indicating that the washroom is occupied.
-Exit is always free by use of inside handicap actuator or by opening door manually; illuminated switch housings will turn green, indicating that the washroom is no longer in use.
-In case of emergency the user can push the TA-3241-27EP push button which will activate visual and audible signals inside and outside of the washroom. Alarm is reset at the
TA-3241 27EP switch.
-Emergency access into washroom by using key in outside lever handle.
Kit includes:
1-TA-2902-UWC3 Washroom controller
1-TA-250 Power supply
1-TA-2709 AV Indicator
1-TA-3241-27EP Emergency push button
1-TA-EXS-PCFAC Emergency sign
1-TA-4103C Door position switch
1-DH X-86F-26D Lever storeroom lock
1-TA-5614-10 Electric strike
1-TA-DTAO019-1 Low energy door operator
1-TA-8161HCPTO EWL Actuator switch
1-TA-8131HCPTLK EWL Actuator/lock switch